Tech Shit Now
Woot! Finally solved my Blue Screen of Death problem. It had something to do with my Athlon 64 3000+'s Cool n Quiet, now that I've disabled it, no more BSODs, now I can enjoy Half Life 2 without any fuss at all.This is how my game of Half Life 2 looks like. It's running on a
- MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum nForce3\250GB
- AMD Athlon 64(tm) 3000+ (1.81 GhZ STOCK)
- Ares Radeon 9550 128 MB (384.75\315.00)
- 1024 MB DDR-333 RAM

Ignore the dodgy looking bloke who looks like Sean Connery. Have you ever seen anything like it? It's running on a mid-end system with Medium settings. The Source engine is amazing, though it's shortcomings are apparent such as lack of Dynamic Lighting on light sources.
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