Monday, May 23, 2005

Star Wars: Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

All in all, great movie, been wanting to watch it since Episode I came out. The storyline wasn't the best, as with ALL three prequels, but fun to watch, especially the climatic sabre battle between Obi Wan & Anakin + Yoda & Sidious. Yoda kicks ass!!!

Btw, saw Daphnee Koo, Olinda Cho, and Sylvester Sim at Lido. Couldn't stop laughing.

1. I hate Sylvester, he can't sing, all he can do is "rock", in other words, scream.
2. The only reason he got there is because of stupid 14-17 year old female drones voting for his "Kawaii" demeanour.
3. He looks like a faggot.
4. He's shorter than I expected, he's barely 1.7m by the looks of it. People around me were heard commenting about it.



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