2 Break Clears in a span of 2 days of playing pool.
Mood: Elated Music: None
Omg 2 break clears in two playing pool days I call it, basically, I played on Sunday, and again today, Tuesday.
On Sunday I had finished playing at Loop Pool, and also finished eating at Al Ameen, me decided to head to Mambo BTP to try it out, since I had tried Century, Loop, and Pool Factor, might as well try out Mambo BTP since it was in the area.
I broke, shot on the 1, shot on the 3, HOOKED ON THE 4! It was a simple escape, so I tried to pocket the ball into the top corner.

LO AND BEHOLD, the 4 went, I chose to pocket it in that corner cos it would give me position on the 5, count it lucky I guess, but still counted. I landed on the 5, barely, I forced position to the 6, and I had a simple run out.
Thing is, I was playing my fast brand of pool, looking and shooting, letting my instincts do the job, similar to how I broke and cleared the last time, didn't realise I had run the rack until the 6 ball, and realised I had actually broke and ran up to there.
Then today, I went to Loop Pool with Guo Jie, wanted to teach him to play. On the third or fourth rack, I broke as usual, blasted into the rack, cue ball controlled roughly on the centre table, easy shot on the 1. Ran until the 5th ball, then I realised that the rest of the balls were so easy and Guo Jie said "BREAK CLEAR AR!"(I had just only told him what a Break Clear meant!), it was only then I realised that I had broke and ran to that stage. The 5 was pretty hard, so I played safe and stunned it into the cushion, this left an easy roll on the 6, and position was guaranteed to the 7. Stunned the 7 to go 1 cusihion for the 8, landed very straight on the 8. DAMN! I was scared of over-drawing, so I played a very soft draw, potted the 9 for my THIRD BREAK CLEAR!

The green line indicates how much I drew back, the 9 was pretty tough but I kept my cool, knowing if I erupted in adrenaline I would probably miss the 9. I potted and shouted "BREAK CLEAR!" inside Loop Pool, which was empty, which is why I was not afraid to shout out loud.
Let me shout it again
no bad bro..keep it up.. :)..
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I saw many a gallant heart, which seemed to me brave and loyal as the crusaders sent by genuine and noble faith to Syria and the sepulchre, pursuing, through days and nights, and a long life of devotion, the hope of lighting at least a smile in the cold eyes, http://storyah44.info/blog+michala+wisniewskiego.html if not a fire in the icy heart.. Analysis will demonstrate at the same time how excellently adapted is the http://startso11.info/anita+soko%C5%82owska.html work of displacement to the concealment of desires.. Startling as this admission might have been to any other lawyer, Starbottle was absolutely relieved by http://startso11.info/szlifierstwo.html it.. After having cleared up many http://startso11.info/edonkey2000.html things which I do not willingly acknowledge as mine, I should have much to reveal which had better remain my secret.. I shall therefore cite some http://startso11.info/mi%C4%99dzyrzec+podlaski+mapa.html examples of dreams which I have gathered from children.. Death and poker level http://startso11.info/tal.gov.pl.html all Americans.. If I thought that all this sparkling http://startso11.info/prezenty+%C5%9Bwi%C4%85teczne.html setting of beauty--this fine fashion--these blazing jewels and lustrous silks and airy gauzes, embellished with gold-threaded embroidery and wrought in a thousand exquisite elaborations, so that I cannot see one of those lovely girls pass me by without thanking God for the vision--if I thought that this was all, and that underneath her lace flounces and diamond bracelets Aurelia was a sullen, selfish woman, then I should turn sadly homewards, for I should see that her jewels were flashing scorn upon the object they adorned, and that her laces were of a more exquisite loveliness than the woman whom they merely touched with a superficial grace.. Colonel Starbottle for the Plaintiff , by Bret Harte, is from the collection of his stories entitled http://wowyesaf.info/rozk%C5%82ady+jazdy+tramwaj%C3%B3w+L%C3%B3d%C5%BA.html Openings in the Old Trail , and is republished by permission of the Houghton Mifflin Company, the authorized publishers of Bret Harte's complete works.. We happened http://startso11.info/SKALAR.html to be recreating at Stafford Springs that summer.. Smiley, and so I started away. http://storyah44.info/przek%C5%82adnie+kierownicze.html. All thinking is only a circuitous path from the memory of gratification taken as an end-presentation to the identical occupation of the same memory, which http://startso11.info/997%21.html is again to be attained on the track of the motor experiences.. The law of Maine http://startso11.info/sznaucer.html then forbade stockholders to appear by proxy at such meetings.. Smiley, a young minister of the Gospel, who he had heard was at one http://startso11.info/sylwester+2006.html time a resident of Angel's Camp.. He went http://startso11.info/www.+ing.html to look at Buller's boat.. Sho, ye're jokin'! retorted Uncle Billy. http://startso11.info/pozew+orozw%C3%B3d.html. The male genital symbolized by persons http://startso11.info/do+sprzedarzy+qady.html and the female by a landscape.. Speak Cato or Plato, said his http://startso11.info/gielda.pl.html mother.. She also asked http://startso11.info/kolasinska+morze.html my patient: When are you going to invite us again? You always have such a good table.. ; also, playing upon the following words: hos pital; http://startso11.info/gra+jazda+autobusami.html mayor ; pun ; pitied ; bread ; sauce , etc.. He let go the tiller. http://startso11.info/spiderman.html..
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