Green Peace Activists
Sorry, for the recent multitude of rants, but one thing just irks me, it's Green Peace Activists.Why do people love bashing the Car. Without the Car, we wouldn't have developed much, and Earth would be a useless glob of blue matter in the Solar System just waiting to die out. Why, after so many long years of service, do people turn to the Car as the planet's number 1 pollutant? Green Peace Activists even shrug off evidence that the Car is not as polluting, as public transport, and instead, offer ridiculous suggestiong bordering on Insanity.
On one episode of Top Gear, Jezza said that people have found out (NO, THIS IS NOT CONJECTURE, THIS IS PURE FACT) that a train uses more fuel PER PERSON than a car, and that the new TVR(Was it? Or is it the TGB? Heck, it's the KGB) 300 KMH train uses more fuel than an airliner. To combat this point, GPA(Green Peace Activists) have said that "The Greenest journey, is one that is not made at all" WHAT A LOAD OF TOSH!
And to take a leaf out of Jeremy Clarkson's book, I vote this be the Greenest car of 2005
Yes, it's a 750 BHP, Gas-Guzzling Saleen S7. Heck, it's green!

Yes, I went too far with Photoshop, if you're curious about the original, unmolested picture, this is what I used, thanks

It's a beaut isn't it? And Saleen's coming up with a Quad-Turbocharged version with 1000 BHP!!!
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