Impatience is getting to me.
Arrgh, where's my Lucasi?
Hopefully it'll arrive sometime early next week, I'm just dying of impatience, I just can't wait to touch that cue!
Tomorrow I'm heading to TheQShop at Bain Street, Bras Basah to query on my cue and to buy some tip-scuffing tools, and some Qslick perhaps.
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
I'm not dead.. Yet
No, I'm not dead, even though I haven't posted in what, 4 days? Anyway life's been pretty much the same.
- My work now takes me to a new warehouse in Tampines, instead of Ubi.
- My cue should be arriving in about a weeks time, I can't wait. My Fury's shaft has more dings and dents than an off-road track.
- I haven't been playing pool regularly (Gasp!)
- Therefore I suck at it already.
- I 'm tired all the time.
- Repeat for the next few weeks, except for point two. :)
I'll post pics of the immense number of boxes the Tampines warehouse has in store for us working there.
Work, work, work, and guess what, more work.
Well I've been working long and hard this past week, earning $40 a day, working from 9 AM to 5 PM, and sometimes doing Overtime. My workmates from school include Cheng Jin, Alvin, Kenneth and Wei Liang(? perhaps ?).
Today I took leave, which was unnecessary, since there was some management thing going on in the company regarding the move from Ubi to Tampines(?).

The pallet, which holds 24 boxes of the iSqueez from Osim, which respectively 17 kg each.

Kenneth and Cheng Jin slacking.

Alvin tired after doing nothing.
Swamped by work
Sorry for the lack of updates, been swamped by work, will try to update soon.
(Btw, ordered my Lucasi :D)
More on Lucasi
Why do I like Lucasi so much, and why am I going to shell out $340 for it to be ordered from the USA?
Description: Cherry Stain. 4 Ebony Points. Diamond Inlays. Uni-Loc Joint.
More about Lucasi Cues (Some features may vary by Cue):
Precision & Performance
Uni-LocĀ® Quick-Release annd RadialĀ® Pin Joints
The most precise-fitting and solid-hitting joints in the world.
15" Pro Taper
Designed by Buddy Hall for better follow-through
Interchangeable Weight Bolt System
Helps you customize your cue to the weight you need.
Increased Control
Triangle Tips
High-quality leather tip that hold their shape longer, and chalk better -- improving your ball control
Ivorine III Ferrule
Guaranteed for life against cracking and chipping.
Quality Construction Techniques
100% N. American Hard Rock Maple Shaft
Hand-picked by seasoned craftsmen.
Top quality white Grade-A wood.
Precisely-Milled Joint Collar
Completely flush when meeting the shaft and the forearm.
Joint Rings Inset Perfectly
Flush to the touch
Style and Craftsmanship
Exotic Woods
The distinguishing mark of a well crafted cue. Cocobola, ebony, b
acote, birdseye maple and snakewood are just a few of the exotic woods found on Lucasi cues. Most Lucasi Cues are made with at least 3 different exotic woods.
Hand Crafted Inlays
Precisely cut inlays enrich the style and quality of your cue and seemlessly blend with the wood.
The Ultimate Grip
Irish Linen Wrap
Double-pressed Irish Linen wrap for an ultra smooth feel, to give you the perfect grip.
Super High-Gloss Finish
High-gloss UV coating helpss prevent wood stains and colors from fading and gives your cue a rich, finished look.
You, the avid reader, may not understand much of that if you play pool, but for the pool enthusiast, I'm sure you'll be tempted at that, unless you can afford a Falcon, Predator, Schon Custom, Viatorre, Zylr, Bender, Tad Kohara.
Not to mention it looks beautiful. Since I got my job now, I'm sure of getting it, I may get a 314 Predator Uniloc shaft in the near future, I still don't really know how a 314 hits. I'm gonna place my order from TheQShop sometime this week, and hopefully it'll be in my loving hands and in my 2x4 case soon.
Anyone wanna hit the pool hall with me when I get it?
What a surprise.
Today was a surprise.
IT DIDN'T RAIN! Damn, that's already 2 days in a row it didn't rain, hope it goes on for another say, 2-3 days, and rain again, damn I was so depressed during that raining period, I hated the darkness at 12 P.M. Makes me feel depressed.
Getting a new cue
Yes, it's tha time of the year again, it's time for me to get a new cue, the Lucasi L2007, it'll set me back $340, which I'll have an additional $500++ SGD soon, so I'll be using that money to get the Lucasi. It has 4 points, and diamond inlays, it's a beautiful piece of work, pretty cheap for that price. Uses a Uniloc joint so I can get a Predator 314 shaft if I feel like it. :D
See the lucasi
Lack of updates... again
See a trend here? A barrage of updates, lack of updates, then no updates at all.
Well sorry, nothing much to blog about, I promise I will continue updating, after spending over an hour on my trendwhore banner.
(Hey! It's easy to execute, but hard to generate the idea)
By the way, public apology to Cheng Jin for all the bad comments I said about S.H.E, my stubborn ass decided to listen to some of their songs and damn am I hooked. I'm starting to even learn to sing the songs even though I have no fucking idea what they mean.
5.10 AM, 7th January 2006
Can't sleep. Why? Braces, those braces fucking hurt, I mean hurt really bad. Taking a 500 mg dose of mefenamic(sp?) acid doesn't seem to help either. Well I gotta go to school in an hour and a half anyway to do my voluntary CCA work. I gotta fucking perform for the Sec 1 Orientation. Hope to have pictures.
And, notice my new trendwhore banner? I like it, do you? Comments appreciated.
Woohoo Braces
Woohoo, got my braces today, they're a cyan colour, looks horrible, for now. Wait til' my teeth are more straightened out. Anyway, eating anything is a bitch, due to cement on my back grinder teeth, I can't really taste anything I eat.
I'll have pics up another time, I just wanna sleep right now.
LeClassic Pool
Discovered a newly opened Pool Hall in Singapore, which is most probably the Holy Grail of Budget Pool in Singapore.
Now you know previously I mentioned the Labyrinth by Pool Junction, costing a whopping $13.80\hr. Boasting the tournament-standard Brunswick Metro Tables with Simonis 860 Cloth. House cues are Kaiser K006D Decal Cues. Balls are Aramith Pro Cup TV Balls with spotted cue ball..
This new pool hall is comparable in standard, but the price is just jaw-dropping.
Located at Kallang Bahru, accessible through buses 26, 107, 853, 61.
Prices start from $4.80\hr and is most expensive at $7.60\hr.
Tables are Aileex Metros, copies of the Brunswick Metros, yet they play almost as well. Cloth is probably Simonis 860 Cloth, not too sure. House Cues are Taiwanese FullCan Cues(Kaiser is Taiwanese too, if I'm correct). Balls are Aramith Pro Cup TV Balls with spotted cue ball.
ANYWAY, Sec 1 orientation coming soon, which means another plank breaking performance by me, pretty stoked about it, and not to mention, BRACES TOMORROW!!!!!(Why the fuck am I getting so excited over it? Used to shun them)
The Brunswick Metros can be clearly seen in this pic

Note the the curvature of the table, like the sillhouette of a beer barrel, and compare it to the Aileex Royal Crown Metros on the 3rd pic, pretty simliar huh.

Okay, a new lease of life.
Sorry for the last run of dry posts, I haven't been in the mood to blog, nor have I had much time anyway.
Therefore, my blog will have a new lease on life, starting, with a new tempo, I decided: "Fuck that" to what I said I was going to do, and make this a hate-central of sorts. Now it's back to blogging, and my "Schizophrenia" will be no longer, and I have replaced it to "Side-Rail Cut". A shot in pool where I haven't yet learnt to master when you're shooting from the far side of the side pocket.
On another note, this will chronicle my currently non-existant pool career, since I'm starting to go to a Semi-Pro level, then to a professional level, but no worries, I will continue in my studies and whatnot.
Happy Belated New Years by the way.