Graduation Night 2005: Class of 2005
Before I begin, this is a pictureless post, because all my pictures are on my multiply site at
Http://celluzion.multiply.comYesterday was Graduation Night, pretty weird, and wild night. Grad night was nothing at all what I was expecting something more formal, instead, yes, it was formal, as in people were wearing formal clothing, but the atmosphere was more of a party and wildness. It was like a club or something, with a Green Day knock-off band playing.
Afterwards it was fun, we took a train from Farrer Park to Dhoby Ghaut, and walked to The Labyrinth by Pool Junction. I was pretty pissed inititally, so all I did was concentrate on my pool game, and I could break then run out, but as I got less and less pissed, I got less and less concentrated, and I started to suck. Anyway, it was a good 2-3 hours before we left.
By now, there wasn't any bus, and Frederick wanted to go to Mustafa, so Jian Ming and I accompanied him to Mustafa to buy his goalkeeper gloves. Afterward, I got hungry, and decided to go to Boon Keng Mac to eat.
It was at Boon Keng Mac where I saw YiWen, Cheai Wen, Phuay Wah, Pei Xiu, and Meng Siang. Decided to stay overnight there with them, since ther wasn't any bus, and I didn't want to waste money taking a taxi. We stayed there from around 3 AM to 7:30 AM, talking cock, gossiping, and messing aroudn with the condiments, which you can see in my multiply page I gave the link above.
Great night, not the graduation, but the part AFTER the graduation!
Again, the URL is
Harry Potter: And the Goblet of Fiasco
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was a complete fiasco, skip this part if you don't want spoilers, which I will gladly tag with [spoiler] tags.
The movie, I feel was super rushed, parts of it wouldn't have made sense if you hadn't read the book. It was like an adaption(A bad one at that) of the GOF book on Fast Forward.
- There was no Quidditch World Cup shown
- Why is Hermione oogling over Viktor Krum from the start?
- Barty Crouch JR in the start?
I could go on and on forever, but what irked me the most is the way Dumbledore is portrayed as an old man with PMS and a short temper. HE STRANGLED HARRY POTTER! What the hell, isn't Dumbledore supposed to be this calm, kind person, with always a twinkle in his eye? Damn it Mike Newell.
I'll talk more about the movie later on, when I get back from the gym.
There was another thing that made it a fiasco, well kinda, we went to Cine at around 7:40 PM, and all shows prior to the 10:25 PM show was fully booked. So we watched the 10:25 PM show, which ended at 1++ AM. By now there were no buses! So, along with Frederick and Stephen, we decided to walk to Boon Keng first, where I would board the taxi there, since it would be nearer to my house, therefore, slightly less costly.
The internet is a boring place I hear?
How can it be boring? The multitudes of pornography on the net, all the juicy bits of information and gossip you can get over the internet?
Okay I do admit it does get boring nowadays, with the only sites I visit are.
- Wendy Cheng's blog
- Friendster
- 4E4's forums
Yes, it is pretty boring, my list of websites to visit has shrunk down to 6 sites, with Wendy Cheng's blog being one of the more interesting and insightful ones.
Or maybe it's life that has become boring? Life has become so utterly mundane and onerous that anything fun has become a chore. Unless it's pool of course, but I digress, and move onto pool. (No, you can't stop me)
I went to The Labyrinth by Pool Junction the other day(Prinsep Street, $13.80\hr). To mention the least, it was a nerve-wrecking experience. I have never been to a place with a better ambience, and not to mention, the best looking receptionists :). It was extremely nerve-wrecking because I had to be careful of my every move, I was afraid of screwing up the cue, or the table or something. It was like the Holy Grail of Pool in Singapore.
The cue was branded, the tables were from Brunswick, world-class standards.

Sorry for it being grainy, but my phone's night mode sucks, and I am devoid of a camera light.

Talking about pool, anyone seen my cue lately? It's a Fury LL-4 Cue.
The total cost of my pool gear was $175
- Fury LL-4 $135
- Hard Casing $35
- Chalk Free
- Glove $5
Adds up to $175, pretty okay, seeing as it'll last me like forever, I'm thinking of going into competitions and shiz.
Anyway, here's the pic of my gear.

Ta Daa! Fury LL-4 Butt + Shaft with Gloves and Hard Case.
18 Days has gone since I last posted. Hmm..
Er, ya, mini-hiatus. This time due to the GCE O Levels. Not much has happened since I last blogged, I turned 16, I had a disastrous Social Studies exam, and the rest of the papers has been easy as hell.
Social Studies, the Fiasco.
It all started during the Prelims, the Humanities department gave us a stack of essays to memorise, saying that "All you have to do is study this for your O Level". So we did. A few days before O levels though, rumours that Venice was an important chapter spread like wildfire, but here's the catch, NO ONE HAD TAUGHT US VENICE.
Approaching the teachers did no use, they said that "You should not learn Venice, it's just too complicated, learn those essays, one of those topics will surely come out"
Well sure enough, they DIDN'T. NONE, NADA, ZILCH! Venice and other topics came out, none which were spotted did. Asshole teachers. I'm thinking of writing to the SEAB or MOE, I know full well that they cannot remedy the situation, but I want revenge, I'm a vindictive person, I DON'T WANT TO SEE THE PEOPLE WHO MAY POTENTIALLY FUCK MY LIFE UP GO ABOUT UNPUNISHED.
Rant over. I'll start blogging more fervently after my O Levels, life's about to get exciting ;)