A WTF Day!
It's been a WTF day.
First, I was late in the morning. WTF?
Second, Even though I was late,I was still the first to get to class. WTF?
Third, A Mother Tongue lesson which wasn't torture. WTF?
Fourth, when I got back from Mother Tongue, Alvin's iPod got confiscated. WTF?
Fifth, my phone SMS count was 1497. Costing me a whopping $51 for SMS alone. WTF?
As you can tell, it's been a day full of surprises and WTFs.
And for the abbrievation-challenged, WTF stands for [W]hat [T]he [F]uck.
The day of Reckoning...
Today's the day my class will finally get their T-Shirts. Mixed feelings among the crowd, the boys unanimously voted that it wasn't really the nicest design, and a small portion of the girls only liked it.
Well anyway, today, was a good day, finally. Woke up at 6:15 AM, left the house groggily at around 7 PM, hahahaha. Caught 67 at around 7:05 and changed to 133 at around 7:17 AM. Reached school just on time.
Today's Time Table: Sc(Phy), English, Recess, Mother Tongue(Ick!), E Maths, PSE, Assembly.
We handed out the T-Shirts during the 30 minute reading period, and the class was extremely gleeful, until Malcolm came in, and told us to give the shirts out during PSE.
Physics was okay, with two new additions to Mr Leong's class, namely Ming Hui and Eunice, and Porkai and Yang Ting decided to leave us for Ms Tan's class. Damn, now Mr Leong's class is gonna be even more draggy than before, but it's okay. English was as usual, Mdm Shahnaaz occasionally bad-mouthing the class, with her extremely supercillious manner, but surprisingly, English wasn't such a torture today.
Spent the Recess with Porkai, Yang Ting, Desperate(No typo here!), Kerong, and Edmund. Ate some extremely sour Nasi Lemak(Food lady, cut the lime on the chilli!), but it wasn't that bad anyway. Mother Tongue = Test, so nothing much there. E Math = Test, nothing much there, except that I didn't study and I'm hoping to get full marks.(Which Hopefully, I will, the questions were extremely easy) I wanna kick Dominic's ass! (In a friendly way, he's my friend!)
PSE was the best lesson, Malcolm wasn't in class, he was busy preparing his show in the hall during Assembly, and so, the class was unleashed and went rampant.
Assembly was a drag, no offence to Malcolm, but it was a bore to watch, I'm not interested in houses that were built in 1938 to house some stupid ammunition or something, tear it down and build a skyscraper! Now that's useful.
After Assembly, headed to the street soccer court to play soccer! It was fun, but too bad, we had Mother Tongue IRP, so we cut short the game at around 2:50 PM and headed for Mother Tongue IRP.
Fun day? Maybe.
A welcome change.
It has been days of torture for me and finally, today, I've got a brief respite. I woke up with no nose blocks after a 14-hour sleep! OMFG! Then I started on the computer, playing Fifa 2005, then trying to find out the problem to my Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil not starting up, I think it has something to do with my tweak to allow my 128MB card to play Ultra Settings, which requires a 512MB card eg. the BFG 6800 Ultra 512 MB with PCI-E\SLi Support. *Drool*
Still haven't resolved the problem though. At around 2 PM, I left home to go to Singapore post, before Mei Mei and Fat Dick arrived to study. From Singapore post, I took 155 to get to the bus-stop I was meeting them. As the bus slowed down at the bus stop, Mei Mei called, what timing! She then saw the Class T-Shirt I was wearing, and that was too much for her as Frederick was also wearing it(He and I collected it yesterday, be prepared to bombard us for the shirts, he has L and XL, I have M And S) I didn't know I had S, so I thought Mei Mei was going to wait, when we arrived at my house however, I took the initiative to check, and Voila! There was S! So good for her. We started at 2:45PM and Ended at 7:30 PM, quite short, as they had WORLD RED CROSS DAY shit until 1 PM or something. Usually it would be from 8 AM to 3 PM.
2 Blocked noses and a Fever.
Here I am, it's 1:06 PM, and while my friends are having an excruciating day at school, I am experiencing a different kind of torture at home.... SINUSITIS.
I have this sinusitis disease, and it's a pain in the ass. I'm allergic to everything except the kitchen sink. Well not really, just things with fur and shit like that, I won't go too technical here. Last night, I ATTEMPTED to sleep at around 12 AM... To no avail, frustrated and pissed off, I played around with the computer, tinkered it here and there, with a nose block in my left nose. A nose block for me is extreme torture, as one nostril gets COMPLETELY blocked, it has a weird feeling and is extremely uncomfortable, as it subsides, the OTHER nostril gets blocked to, so why don't you just drip water on my head, I'd rather take that torture anyday.
It was around 1 AM before I tried again, nada, nothing. So, feeling extremely pissed off and suicidal(I have alot of problems NO ONE knows about, no, not even you! You! the reader. It has something to do with daddy-dearest, my non-existant love life, and other shit I don't even know about until I feel extremely pissed off. When I'm extremely pissed off, suddenly these thoughts come into my head and I feel even worse.), I went down to cool myself, look at the cats, restraining myself from hitting a lamp post and breaking it into oblivion. It was finally around 3 AM before I got to sleep, then I woke up at 5 AM, with ANOTHER nose block, I was ready to jump off the Empire State Building, what's the use of living if every fortnight I get fucking sick?
No, instead, I retreated to the room without any air-conditioning, and it was probably an hour before I got to sleep.
Woke up at 9, did some stuff, now it's 1:12 PM as I write this, and I'm geting ready for my visit to the doctor. Updates later on! (Did I mention? I STILL have a fucking nose block?)
Images from Yesteryear
Found a cache of pictures dating four-five years back. Here's me in my Primary School Uniform!

Sports Day, see if you can spot me in the distance!

A close-up portrait picture of me, note the brown hair, oh I was such a rebel in Primary 6.

Now scroll down to read today's entry!
Sports Heats and other crap. Another typical day.... Not.
The day started off fine. Besides a annoying nose block which wouldn't go away and a fitful night's sleep interrupted by yet a previous nose block which ALSO wouldn't go away, it was pretty much fine. *Insert sardonic smile here*
After a bath and finally getting rid of my nose block, I realised it was already 6:45, and I rushed to style my extremely hard-to-style-hair. It's a chore to even make it spiky I tell you, it feels dry, looks dry, but ISN'T dry. It was 7 PM when I left my house, caught the 7:10 bus AND OFF WE GO!
Today's Time Table: Humanities(Geog), PoA, Recess, Mother Tongue, E Math, CME, Chemistry, and not forgetting, Sports Heats # 1.
Geography was cool, as always. We have this teacher who rocks so much and us testosterone-filled teenage boys are so enamoured by her, if you get my drift. We had lesson in the Computer Lab, Edmund and I were as usual, talking crap and visiting SgGirls while cheekily alt-tabbing and switching the monitor off at times.
It was during Recess where I started to feel feverish, I still do, and that sucks, doesn't it? I had no appetite to eat, but I managed to stuff down some prata with some god-awful "dhal". No more Dhal for me, it's sugar all the way baby!
The rest of the day went on uneventfully, that was, till after school, I was feeling like crap, and had my 400m dash later on, I couldn't ask for any better timing!
I went to lunch with Zhao Hong, Mei Mei, and Eileen at McDonalds. Zhao Hong and Eileen ordered Fillet O' Fish while Mei Mei and I ordered McSpicy Double (Damn it, I would have used that $5.10 I spent yesterday) After 20 minutes eating, Zhao Hong hadn't even started on his Fillet O' Fish and we were about to leave, so he got a plastic bag and had the intention of bringing it home. Which..... He didn't, the dolt forgot to bring it home!
Reached Serangoon Stadium and rushed to change because that fool Abhishek made me rush, in reality, I still had another 10 minutes to go, and he heard the wrong announcement, the one he heard was for the "C" boys 400M, which, I am NOT part of.
I emerged 8th out of 14 boys, hey, I was the first for Kilimanjaro and I beat Sheng Loong, a lifelong dream. Anyway, I was up against tough competition, Teck Wei, Michael, to say the least, Shanker even! To top it all, I was sick as hell. I'm not making excuses, it's true!
Right now, I'm devoid of a Digicam, and only have a Webcam, so the only pictures you'll see now are old pictures or webcam-quality pictures. I topped out my mother's budget-for-spending-on-me with my 4GB Zen Micro, which by the way, is going to be replaced due to a crack on the top and some dust particles leaking in, which is buggering the shit out of me.
Ever wondered how I look like when sick?

Absolutely the same!
April 11th 2005. A day NOT worth remembering. As always..
For a month I've been contemplating on getting a blog, I made a template in Photoshop, all fine and dandy, now I'm lazy to code it. Here's the draft template-which-I-am-lazy-to-code.
http://img115.echo.cx/img115/6240/templatz0r8mx.jpgIt's 1024 x 768, so I put it as a link. It's a JPEG file, which I took just to show off. Now it's in the depths of my harddrive just WAITING for Dreamweaver to come to it. Beauty will have to sleep for a very long time for Beast to kiss it, because I have NO PLANS WHATSOEVER to do any coding.
Now, for today. Had a WHOPPING 3 hours sleep today, now that should do really well for my school day, I had a gruelling study session two days ago, followed to a trip to Jurong (EW 24) from Eunos (EW 7) with Frederick (aptly christened as Fat Dick, hope you don't mind, only the rest of the world will know about your new nickname), that night, I got 16 hours of sleep in total, which meant on Sunday, I wasn't going to get much sleep.
So yes, 3 whopping hours, meant I would have to have a direct injection of coffee into my bloodstream every hour to keep awake, OR I would just take a few cheeky naps in class. Today though, it was the latter.
My time table for today was: Physics, English(Yay!), Recess, Mother Tongue(Yay!), E Maths, PSE, Assembly, ANDDDD Not forgetting MOTHER TONGUE IRP! WOOHOO!! YIPPEE!
For one, I was ALMOST late for school, had I woken up at an ungodly hour, and subsequently getting even LESSER hours of sleep, I would still have been late for I was crawling slower than you can say Onomatopoeia. I left my house at 7:05 AM and got a taxi at 7:15 AM. I reached school at around 7:25 AM, to see the fool Abhishek running up the staircase frantically to join me. The fool. Haha, no offence mate. I spent $5.10 which I could have used to buy a McSpicy Double from McDonalds. Damn Taxi Driver exited at Paya Lebar Rd instead of Bendemeer Rd, which would have saved me a minute, meaning I would have saved around a few cents, hey, it counts! Hey, I hate Taxi's, and it saddens me that I had to stoop so low as to take one. Taxi Drivers are a menace to society. Now, to school, my lovely, lovely day at school.
To start with, Physics was a drag, English was a drag, Recess was a drag, Mother Tongue was a drag, E Maths was a drag, PSE was a drag(And not to mention a scolding by the one and only Ming Hui! Oh how I love her), Assembly was a drag. A lovely day at school if you may? Okay it wasn't that bad, at least Mdm Shahnaaz didn't have any complaints with my work, I unleashed the English in me and I got 15\20 for her stupid-hard-November-2000 comprehension. This is what I get when I DON'T listen to her. IRP, was undoubtedly, a drag, seeing as it was darker than a sewer at night due to an on-coming storm, I was pissed, it meant that I would be drenched, and consequently, get sick. Which I am now, nursing a fever and flu here. I was wetter than water itself, as I stepped into a 7 Eleven to get myself something to chew on while I was colder than an ice pick at -75 degrees celcius, the casher there said "Wah, so wet ar?". I gave a stupid excuse that I was late for something important and that I couldn't wait for the rain to stop. Bullshit at it's finest.
Tech Shit Now
Woot! Finally solved my Blue Screen of Death problem. It had something to do with my Athlon 64 3000+'s Cool n Quiet, now that I've disabled it, no more BSODs, now I can enjoy Half Life 2 without any fuss at all.
This is how my game of Half Life 2 looks like. It's running on a
- MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum nForce3\250GB
- AMD Athlon 64(tm) 3000+ (1.81 GhZ STOCK)
- Ares Radeon 9550 128 MB (384.75\315.00)
- 1024 MB DDR-333 RAM

Ignore the dodgy looking bloke who looks like Sean Connery. Have you ever seen anything like it? It's running on a mid-end system with Medium settings. The Source engine is amazing, though it's shortcomings are apparent such as lack of Dynamic Lighting on light sources.