Green Peace Activists
Sorry, for the recent multitude of rants, but one thing just irks me, it's Green Peace Activists.
Why do people love bashing the Car. Without the Car, we wouldn't have developed much, and Earth would be a useless glob of blue matter in the Solar System just waiting to die out. Why, after so many long years of service, do people turn to the Car as the planet's number 1 pollutant? Green Peace Activists even shrug off evidence that the Car is not as polluting, as public transport, and instead, offer ridiculous suggestiong bordering on Insanity.
On one episode of Top Gear, Jezza said that people have found out (NO, THIS IS NOT CONJECTURE, THIS IS PURE FACT) that a train uses more fuel PER PERSON than a car, and that the new TVR(Was it? Or is it the TGB? Heck, it's the KGB) 300 KMH train uses more fuel than an airliner. To combat this point, GPA(Green Peace Activists) have said that "The Greenest journey, is one that is not made at all"
And to take a leaf out of Jeremy Clarkson's book, I vote this be the Greenest car of 2005
Yes, it's a 750 BHP, Gas-Guzzling Saleen S7. Heck, it's green!

Yes, I went too far with Photoshop, if you're curious about the original, unmolested picture, this is what I used, thanks

It's a beaut isn't it? And Saleen's coming up with a Quad-Turbocharged version with 1000 BHP!!!
"Stupid", and "Lame", two examples of cliche's in Singapore
What is up with teenagers nowadays(Yes, I am one, but bear with me, I CAN rebut my own age group can't I?), they use the word "Stupid" and "Lame" as if they're so fucking smart. It's just like the Malay word "Sial" it's so overused, it's cliche'. I know, I may be Chinese Indonesian, but I was raised in Singapore to speak Malay, not Indonesian, so yes, I speak Malay with a slight Malay accent.
They go about saying "Ape sial!", "Eh, pergi la sial", the word "Sial" means unlucky, and it's become cliche'd that people don't mind using it on themselves.
Aaaannnywayyyy, I just can't stand the usage of the word Stupid anymore, not to offend, or to single out a specific group, but I find that most people who use this word are:
Aged: 13-16
Persona: Act Cute.
Yes, It's the "Act Cutes" who love to use the word stupid, even though they're dumb as a tree trunk floating in a river. Do one mistake, and the scenario goes like this
She: Stupid la you
Me: Fuck you la, think you so smart is it?
She: *Runs away, crying*
Me: Stupid bitch.
It's always that same group of people.
Lame is also another cliche' word. It's actually used for people who have such low intellects that they do not fathom your joke. See, jokes need intelligence for people to understand them, if you have no intelligence, you cannot understand the joke. The scenario goes like this.
*Extremely hilarious, high intellect joke on MSN*
Him: Lame
Me: KTHX, dumbass.
Him: JoKeZZzzZZ is L4m3 l4rzzzzzzzzzZzzZZZZZ!!111!!one!!11
Me: Wtf, how much did you get for Maths?
Him: WhyZz?Z/!1
Me: Because you seem to like Algebra. (For those who don't get it, look at his previous sentence, it has numbers and letters, similar to Algebra, it's my own little joke)
Him: Wtf
Me: Dumb fuck.
See, another thing is 1337 Sp34k. People who use this either like:
1. Algebra
2. Be Crazy, or IS crazy.
3. Give people reading their message migranes.
4. Simply tick people off.
I daresay they'er mostly under the number "2" category. It's not decorative to type L1k D1ZzZzZ!!! If I wrote my blog in 1337 Sp34k, you'd be wanting to shoot me.
Fucking Heat
Singapore is well, very well known for it's Summer season all year round. It's sweltering hot the whole year, and well, that's all you get, basically. When it's cold, you're bound to get sick. What's up Singapore? Why are you so prudish, ignorant, stupid, and hot?
I could go on for hours complaining about meritocrisy, heat, Singapore's prudish nature, and shit like that, but no, I'll just rant about the heat.
Today, I was wearing my god-awful class T-Shirt.
1. It's ugly( I still can't get over the design )
2. Material + Heat = Oven
It amplify's your already hot body temperature to around 10000000 degrees. IT IS FRICKING HOT! I WAS SWEATING BUCKETS WHEN I REACHED BOON KENG MRT!!111!!1!one!11
MRTs, why the fuck aren't there any dustbins? I understand the terrorist threats and shit like that, but what are CCTVs and SECURITY GUARDS FOR?!?!?! Place the cameras in strategic locations, like near dustbins. One example of an idiotic placement of cameras is in the Eunos MRT, I won't bother describing, because describing isn't my forte'.
Hahaha, while at Lido yesterday, we had 2 hours to kill before Star Wars 3 showed, so we went around, bought some clothes, and tried on some clothes.
Here's how I look like with some formal clothes on.
Star Wars: Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
All in all, great movie, been wanting to watch it since Episode I came out. The storyline wasn't the best, as with ALL three prequels, but fun to watch, especially the climatic sabre battle between Obi Wan & Anakin + Yoda & Sidious. Yoda kicks ass!!!
Btw, saw Daphnee Koo, Olinda Cho, and Sylvester Sim at Lido. Couldn't stop laughing.
1. I hate Sylvester, he can't sing, all he can do is "rock", in other words, scream.
2. The only reason he got there is because of stupid 14-17 year old female drones voting for his "Kawaii" demeanour.
3. He looks like a faggot.
4. He's shorter than I expected, he's barely 1.7m by the looks of it. People around me were heard commenting about it.
Fun Fair.
Bendemeer Fun Fair today, in around 5 more hours I shall promptly leave my house to go back to school. It's a Saturday for goodness sake, I wanted to watch Star Wars. Shit, maybe I can squeeze that in if I have time.
I'm in for DJing, at least it'll probably be fun, so beware all Red Cross members(especially Frederick), I have a few dedications for you ;)
Side note: People are such megalomaniacs.
I got addicted to this game called Runescape. ( I quit after 2 years, now I'm back, it's just irresistable.)
Runescape can be found at
THIS site.
It's a very interesting MMOAG(Massive Multiplayer Online Adventure Game).
14\5\2005 - Gym and Injuries.
Haha, I have a screwed up right leg today, I went to the gym, and got a go on the treadmill, and I seem to have injured my right leg in ways unknown to me. I don't even know why I'm injured, suddenly there's a pain in my right leg. If it were my left, I'd know why, 3 hours of soccer and 2 hours of soccer the next day, the first day I had leg cramp, and the second day Shao Jie tripped me and I twisted my leg. But it's the right leg. Meh.
Anyway, the gym was fun, went with Nicholas, at around 3 PM we met Kamsani. We left at around 3:30 PM. We reached the gym at around 2 PM or so. (Note, working out for more than 1 and a half hours is redundant, don't believe me? Ask the experts on the net.) Anyway..

Here's me with my Blue lenses. I look like The Rock lol. Thanks to my haircut and tan. I cut my hair "Botak" 1 and a half weeks ago, so now I have this crappy looking hair, waiting for it to grow and then I'll get spikes.... Then cut it back to "Botak"

A little relaxed

Orange lenses. :)

Orange lenses relaxed ;)
Sorry for poor images, I'm using a webcam for those, I'm devoid of a digital camera. Haha.
Rudy Project and Creative Zen Micro 4GB
Finally I've gotten back my Creative Zen Micro 4 GB(Silver). Called those buggers at Creative and they said they called us a week ago. Lol, faggots. Anyway, I first went to Apex optics to get my glasses, then got my Rudy Project sunglasses.
It's the Hyde glasses, and it comes with spare Orange lenses (The Hyde glasses have interchangable lenses)
Here it is.

Side view of my Hyde

Top view of my Hyde, with the interchangable Orange lenses.
The blue ones are for sunny conditions and the orange ones brightens up the place, so the Orange ones for low-light conditions(even night, it's like a nightvision)
Na beh dare to stare at us.
Ignore the title, it's a favourite catch phrase of mine.
A recap of my examinations here.
4-5-2005: English Paper 1 and 2.
English Paper 1 was fun! I love English, it's my forte'. Anyway, I wrote a 660 word essay on Gaming. The question was: Video games are a cause of worry for many adults. Do you agree with this stand? (Something like that) Expository essay, my favourite kind of essay, I love arguing and proving my point.
Paper 2 was shite'. It was hard to understand the passage, fucking English teacher, hope she dies and burns in hell for her sins.
05-05-05: Mother Tongue Paper 1 and 2. (Malay Language)
Fuck! Malay, hahaha. I can't speak Malay even if my life depended on it. Mother Tongue is shit. NO comments for this day.
6-5-2005: E Math Paper 1 and Social Studies.
Woo! Good day. I think I left out around 10-12 marks for my E Math paper, I couldn't do them , and had no time to go back, so I'll get a max of 70 marks out of 80. But hopefully I get around the 60-70 region.
Social Studies, as you read in my previous post, screwed my hand up. I have never written so fast nor so much in my life in 1 1\2 hours. I only type at that rate. (Bragging rights, I have a score of 110 WPM[Words per minute] in touch typing :P) Wrote 6 pages of essay, 3 pages per essay. I had 2 questions to do, one SOurce based and one structured Essay. Hopefully I can score them, I wrote AT LEAST 800-900 PER ESSAY.
9-5-2005: Science(Physics), POA, Lit 1.
Rubbish day. NO recap
10-5-2005: Geog, PoA
Rubbish day. No Recap. Lol. Only highlight was this "Sexy" wristband I bought, I swear, I looked at the colour and forgot to read what was written, then Wei Yang ask "Write what?" Then I remember, then read. Na beh. Lol.
Here it is.

11-5-2005: Today, I will post a separate entry.
The moment you've all been waiting for.. Not
Okay, I know, long-ass post, but it's interesting. Yes it is. *Points gun to your head* Say yess...
Okay, I had Maths and Social Studies Mid years today. Maths was cool, I counted, and I'll get what.. Around 70 marks MAX, because I skipped a few questions, and I had no time to get back to them.
Social Studies made my hand limp. I wrote 3 pages of essay, and mind you, I did not leave lines, so it was probably reaching around 800+ words. (Judging from my 2 page 660 word essay in English) Mind you that was for one question. And fuck, I wrote the August 1964 riots, when it was the July 1964 riots. Fuck fuck fuck! Anyway, probably won't lose too many marks over that. Not really that important.
The second question easily outgunned the first question in the word count department. I wrote 3 FULL pages, the first question was more like 2 and 3 quarters. My hand was limp after that. Anyway, hoping to get a good grade for both these subjects.
Ack! I forgot to add this in. I played soccer today. Yes I know, very irresponsible of me, it's mid-year. Damn Wei Yang brought his soccer ball to school and I got tempted. Thanks to him, my vow to not play soccer this mid year has been shattered to oblivion. Well, partly thanks to me too for not having enough self-restraint to well.. restrain myself from playing soccer. Thanks fat ass :P. I THINK we played from 2 to.. 5 PM.
I know, retarded, 3 hours of soccer. But we totally PWNED the other team. The first game was what.. 8-3? I don't know, we lost count after our fifth goal. They were just butchered. Then the buggers from 4E2 came (No offence, however, a certain number of you guys just pissed me off today, bastards), and they were just PUMPED UP. Good timing guys, we had been playing for so long already. Anyway, we still pwned them. 5-2 I think.
And to continue the discussion on platonic relationships.
I still stand by what I say, it is just impossible in our world of testosterone-filled teenagers. I mean one look at a gorgeous lady and that little guy there starts singing the national anthem at full blast. Yes, you know what I mean.
And don't get me started on platonic friendships..
Platonic Relationships, Crap, and other stuff.
I was bored, so on the bus, I somehow ventured over to platonic relationships. Is it possible for a guy to have a platonic relationship with a good-looking girl. I know, it's a weird thing to ask, but I've been reading stories and from personal experience, it's damn near impossible there.
So yes, is it possible? Send me an answer ASAP.
Btw, it was a good day today. :D
3rd May 2005... Lol
It's been more than a week since I was here, in fact around 2 weeks, been too lazy to update, but now, I'm backz0r.
By the way, my condolences to the family and friends of the dearly-departed Mr Wee Kim Wee. I've heard a great many things about him, and he's the president I most respect.
Today was a day, which was, well, as usual. I was almost late, except this time I was late, but not so late. Confused? Let me explain, I was at the bus stop at 7:05, took 67, to change near Lavender, but in Geylang, alot of those construction worker guys boarded the bus at every stop, so the bus was crawling from stop to stop. When I had reached Lavender, it was already 7:23 AM. Lol, flagged down a taxi at around 7:26 AM. Reached school at 7:32 AM. Good thing the gate was not closed yet, with only Neethiamania at the gate, I rushed in the school, and sang the national anthem at the gate. Haha.
Time Table for Today: Humanities(Geog), PoA, Recess, Mother Tongue(ick!), E Math, CME, Sc(chem)
Geog was great, the teacher was great, and I learnt a fair new things. My recent test results for Geog were in the range of 18\21, 10\10 and shit like that, so yeah, I have a new enthusiasm for Geography, BESIDES the teacher who is just so damn hot. (Haha, Edmund, you bastard you! Look what you did to me!)
PoA was 4E4-unleashed, Alan Goh left 10 minutes into the class, and as usual, the class was in a frenzy. Everyone running around, listening to music, talking crap, and groping everyone, (boy and boy action included, not to forget boy and girl, weird ass class). Basically the class was a cacophony of noises and to even make your self heard, you had to shout so that the guy 1 feet away could hear you.
Recess was great, not. I queued up for Nasi Lemak for 5 bloody minutes, and when it was my turn, the lady said "No more Nasi Lemak". Fuck, can you say?
Headed to Mother Tongue class with GREAT aplomb(Sarcasm if you can't tell here, bitch), as usual, bitching, talking bad about the teachers and shit like that.
It was E Math when I started to a little bit crazy. Going "YOU CAN'T SEE ME! *Cue John Cena's hand movement*" That wasn't the worst bit, it was
Chemistry when I really went crazy, it was the heat! My "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" syndrome was getting worse and I started to do it to whomever walked past my table. Haarveen was extremely perplexed when I started laughing and doing the "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" to her. I was laughing like a psycho.